Driving Car Test Questions
At the start of your driving test or whilst you are actually driving on your test, the driving Examiner randomly selects 2 or 3 driving related questions and asks you the driving test Candidate to either show or tell the Driving Examiner the answer. Hopefully whilst you have been taking driving lessons with your Elevate Driving School driving instructor you will know some of the questions and answers. Please remember that some of the questions may be asked while you are on the move on your test driving the car, for example ” Show me how you would wash the rear window ” but to help you prepare for your driving test the updated list of the driving car test questions and answers are below. You should also have been practising using a Sat Nav with your Elevate Driving Instructor, just to give you an idea of how the Sat Nav works and what to look for etc etc…
Check the Tyre Tread
What is the minimum tyre tread depth limit requirement.
Answer: It should be a minimum depth of 1.6mm through out the central 3/4 of the tyre.
Check the parking break
Show me how you would check the parking break for excessive wear?
Answer: Take the hand break off, put it back on, make sure you can feel it stretching the cable, it usually holds the car securely at about a 45* angle.
Check the head restraint
Tell me how you would make sure the head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash?
Answer: Adjust the head rest by moving it up or down and make sure it is level with at least the centre of your head.
Check the brakes
Tell me how you would check the brakes are working before starting a journey?
Answer: Depress the brake pedal, if it feels firm the brake should be OK. If the pedal feels spongy or slack or goes to the floor there’s something wrong. The car shouldn’t pull to one side when you break.
Switch on the rear fog lights
Show me how you would switch on the rear fog lights and explain when you would use them?
Answer: Switch your headlights on depress the fog light button and make sure you only use them when its foggy and visibility is poor.
Clean the windscreen
Show me how you would clean the windscreen using the wind screen washer and wipers.
Answer: Turn your auxiliary ignition on then Pull the windscreen washer lever toward you and it will squirt and wipe the front window.. Push it away from you and it will wash and wipe the rear windscreen
Demist all the windows
Show me how you would set the demister controls to clear all the windows effectively, both front and rear screens?
Answer: Turn the Fan switch controls on to the picture of the front windscreen and press the heated rear window button located in the center of your dashboard to ON for the rear.
Power assisted steering
Show me / explain how you would check the power assisted steering is working before starting a journey.
Answer: Turn your wheel slightly left or right, then switch your engine on. If the steering feels light it is OK, if it feels heavy, there is something wrong.
Switch head lights from dipped to main beam
Show how you switch your head lights from dipped to main beam and explain how you would know the main beam is on?
Answer: 1st switch your head lights on using the switch located within the car, then turn the main beam on by pulling the light lever back and usually a blue light comes on in the dashboard. Make sure you only use it on a unlit road when there is nobody coming the other way.
Anti-lock breaking system
Tell me how you would know there was a problem with your anti-lock breaking system?
Answer: When you start the car the ABS light should come on then go off, make sure the ABS light goes off.
On Driving Test Day you will need to have with you:
* Your photo card licence
* £70 to pay your driving instructor for 2 hours however, Bank Holidays and Weekend Tests are £75 ( please pay your driving instructor before your pre test lesson begins )
Elevate Driving Instructor of The Month
Congratulations to Brenda, our Crash Course Elevate Driving Instructor in the Ford Puma who has had a fabulous run of driving test passes over the last few weeks at various driving tests centers in Nottingham but for also receiving fantastic pupil feedback and reviews…